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Whats coming up on my site?

We`ve recently bought a Mini,and over the
coming months i`ll be adding different `toys`to
it! You`ll be able to see photo`s of
the car in its original state,and follow
the changes we`ve made to it each month
in a new extended website.

Summer`s on it`s way,hopefully!!,and i`ll be
adding a new page over the next few
months,with pictures from our days out and about.

New pages devoted to motor-sport,will appear
soon on our new website.

The web address for our live webcasts will appear
soon.Expect the unexpected when viewing!!

When will the new pages
and extended site appear?

These pages are currently under construction,and will
appear on the site in the near future

Brand new Art of Star Wars photos are
now on the site,with another new page
appearing soon

Brand new extension to the site will be
appearing soon,with images of my Mini and
new pages covering motor-sport.
