- Kevin Duckers Online -
Official Domain On The Net
  Home Page | Florida  | Art Of Star Wars - Page One | Art Of Star Wars - Page Two | Art Of Star Wars - Page Three | Art Of Star Wars - Page Four | Cool Gadgets | Future Features | Favourite Links | Sign My Guestbook  

Welcome To My Home Page

Welcome to our new look site.We`ll be updating the site on a monthly basis,so please keep returning to see the new features.

Every image used on this site is 100% original

If you`d like to know what you can find on our site,check out the summary underneath the photo of C3P0 and R2D2.

Site Updates
February 23rd 2001 - Website went online for the first time.

April 7th 2001 - Added two new pages of photo`s from our latest visit to the Star Wars Exhibition

April 10th 2001 - Gave the site a new design

My Mini pages will appear on my new site soon.

Free search engine submission and placement services!

How to get around my site
At the top of this page,you can see my page titles.
Please click on the titles to access the pages.Here`s a description of what you can see on each page;

Home Page - This is where we are at the moment

Florida - Surprisingly,this page includes photos and info about me and my family on holiday!!

Art Of Star Wars - Photos from our visits to the `Art Of Star Wars`.See original props and costumes from all four movies

Cool Gadgets - See our collection of gadgets and `unusual`items,and where you can find them yourself

Future Features - Find out which new pages will be making an appearance very soon

Favourite Links - My favourite places to visit on the Net

Sign My Guestbook - If you like my site,or even if you don`t,i`d love to hear from you

Recent Site Enhancements
Here are the latest enhancements to my Website :

If you`d like to send anyone an e-mail,you can do it from my Home Page.Just click on `send an e-mail`,and you can send a message to anyone you wish.

If you`d like to send me an e-mail,click on the link below.
Please sign my Guestbook too,thanks

Website Counter
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Art Of Star Wars Exhibition
Click on`Art Of Star Wars`,to see totally original Star Wars photo`s,taken on our two visits to the Art Of Star Wars Exhibition,in Bradford,England
send an e-mail
