Art Of Star Wars
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This second page of images were taken on April 6th,2001
One visit to the Star Wars Exhibition is never enough,so we just had to do
the 180 mile round trip to Bradford again!!.Art of Star Wars closed on April 29th,
so this was our last chance to visit.These are a few of the photo`s i
took on our visit,on April 6th,2001

Han Solo`s Blaster
Harrison Ford used this blaster in Episode 4
Imperial Star Destroyer Model
This is a close-up of the Star Destroyer model,used in the opening sequence of
Episode 4

Boba Fett Painting
Early Boba design,
by Ralph McQuarrie
Anakins Pod-Racer Cockpit
A good view into the cockpit of Anakin`s

Close-up of Anakins pod-engine
(is that a lollipop stick i can see?!!)
Darth Mauls Double-Edged

The actual Lightsaber used by
Ray Park,in Episode One

Original Jawa Costume
This costume was used in Episode 4
X-Wing Model
Close-up of X-Wing used in the Trilogy.The detail on the models is excellent

Original Chewbacca Costume
This is the actual costume worn by Peter Mayhew in the Trilogy.I had to reach up as high as i could with the camera to get a head-on photo of Chewie`s head,and i`m 6ft!!

Darth Vader
Original Costume

This costume was worn
by Dave Prowse in the Trilogy.
